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During the sessions, Adala UK met with various UN member states, NGOs, and UN representatives, as well as participating in a side-event about the ‘Applicability of International Humanitarian Law in Western Sahara’, on 28 February 2018. This event was organised by the Western Sahara Support Group in the Human Rights...

Portuguese President Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa stressed that a letter sent by Adala UK about the situation in Western Sahara deserves attention from the Government of the Portuguese Republic. His statement came in a response to a letter from Adala UK in Portugal, which demanded the release of Sahrawi...

URGENT ACTION | contact the UN‏

In April, the annual negotiations on Western Sahara will take place in the UN Security Council. Western Sahara has become one of the most contentious issues at the UN – let’s keep it that way! “human rights monitoring by MINURSO should include monitoring of the Saharawi right to access their...

Mr. Mohamed Aujjar Minister of Justice. Ministère de la Justice et des Libertés Place de la Mamounia, BP 1015, Rabat – Maroc London, 05th of December 2017 We are writing to you from Adala UK (a UK-based human rights organisation – ( in order to express our consternation at learning...

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