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Please act on behalf of people at risk of arbitrary detention following a large peaceful demonstration in El Aiun, Western Sahara.   Dozens of activists, demonstrators and journalists have been detained without arrest warrants following peaceful demonstrations on 30th June 2014 in El Aiun. Many more are at risk of arbitrary...

Background: Freedom of the Press in Western Sahara Sahrawi media channels work to provide the public with information, immersed in an adverse and unstable environment in which the Moroccan authorities disrespect the freedom to inform and be informed. The behaviour of the Moroccan security forces in Western Sahara towards journalists reveals...

Adala President, Sidi Ahmed Alyadasi, will take part in the 6th meeting of the 36th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva to express Adala UK's concerns over the deterioration of the human rights situation in the Occupied Territories of Western Sahara and explain the terrible increase...

London, 21/09/2017 The Moroccan occupation authorities have allowed the police and security forces in the Occupied Zones of Western Sahara to use excessive force against Saharawi protesters. The Royal Moroccan Government must end the violence against Saharawi civilians and when any members of the security forces are found to have...

Moroccan authorities have detained Hamza Al Ansari, who is known as an activist who regularly participates in peaceful demonstrations, demanding self-determination for Western Sahara. He was detained for trying to join a group of Saharawis who wanted to celebrate the freedom of ex-prisoners of the ‘Gdeim Izik’ group in the...

Pistols and other devices which produce electric shocks have become widely used by the Moroccan police. They are used arbitrarily, even in very ‘low risk’ situations. Adala UK has frequently been reporting the indiscriminate use of metal bars, stones and truncheons by the Moroccan police but we have recently been...

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