Author Archive for AdalaUK

Saharawi Women

Saharawi women are extremely well-respected in their society and enjoy equal rights to men. A large number of them are leaders of NGOs and other social and human rights associations. Like all Saharawi in the occupied territories they also suffer from the political, social and economic apartheid.   Their participation...

  Soldiers, police officers, demonstrations and attacks are recurrent themes in Saharawi children’s drawings. A child’s drawing, as a spontaneous expression, represents a child’s thought processes and its perceptions of the world around it.   Fear and sadness which children transmit through their creativity are a reflection on the systematic...

Western Sahara Legal Status

In 1963 Western Sahara was listed as a non-self-governing territory by the United Nations. In 1966 the United Nations’ General Assembly adopted its first resolution2 on the territory, urging Spain to organise, as soon as possible and under UN supervision, a referendum on self- determination. In 1975, the International Court of...

Adala President, Sidi Ahmed Alyadasi, will take part in the 6th meeting of the 36th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva to express Adala UK's concerns over the deterioration of the human rights situation in the Occupied Territories of Western Sahara and explain the terrible increase...

London, 21/09/2017 The Moroccan occupation authorities have allowed the police and security forces in the Occupied Zones of Western Sahara to use excessive force against Saharawi protesters. The Royal Moroccan Government must end the violence against Saharawi civilians and when any members of the security forces are found to have...

Moroccan authorities have detained Hamza Al Ansari, who is known as an activist who regularly participates in peaceful demonstrations, demanding self-determination for Western Sahara. He was detained for trying to join a group of Saharawis who wanted to celebrate the freedom of ex-prisoners of the ‘Gdeim Izik’ group in the...

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