
Moroccan forces of repression brutally supress protestors in the occupied city of El Aaiún days before pivotal UN vote

Salha Boutanguiza membre of Adalauk. photo by AdalaUK
Salha Boutanguiza membre of Adalauk.
photo by AdalaUK

On Tuesday 15 April, many Saharawis came together for a large demonstration throughout several streets in the Western Saharan capital. The Saharawi citizens carried placards calling for the right to self-determination and independence as well as calls for the release of all Saharawi political prisoners; for an end to the grave human rights violations suffered by the Saharawi people; and for the extention of the function of MINURSO to include a human rights monitoring mandate.

Hours before the demonsration took place, uniformed and plain clothes officers of the occupation forces began to block many major and minor roads in the Saharan capital. Protestors were brutally supressed by officers including military and auxilary forces, uniformed police and, most worryingly of all, plain clothes police officers in civilian cars. All were armed with sticks, stones, knives, chains and batons and attacked the protestors and other members of the public, including in public areas, such as bus stops and parks. The brutal intervention left many people injured and in a critical condition. Amongst the victims were three members of AdalaUK:

Salha Boutanquiza was struck on the head by the Moroccan police and was taken to hospital in the Saharan Capital and remains in a critical condition.

Salima Limam was beaten and dragged along the street, suffering serious injuries to her knees.

Sidi Ahmed Messka was beaten and maltreated by plain clothes policemen in the Matalaa neighbourhood.

The photos featured were taken by members of AdalaUK (some have been cropped) at the hospital and in later visits to victims in their homes.

·        AdalaUK supports the report presented by UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, to the Security Council this Monday (14 April) where he defended the creation of an impartial, independent and permanent observation of the human rights situation in Western Sahara.

·        AdalaUK condemns the brutal intervention on the part of the Moroccan occupation forces against the peaceable demonstration and the use of such violence in any situation

·        We remain in solidarity with our colleagues who were injured and with all of the victims. 

List of victims by AdalaUK members:

Mariam Yaia (5 Years Old) Yosaf Alghan (16 years old) Basiri Lahbib (17 years old),

Kalthum Andor, Alma3luma Abdala, Lafkir Laarosi, Ahjaiba Laakaik, Adagja lashgar, khadija Hamado Bashri Bantalab, Fatma Azai3ar, Lmaaluma Baih, Laila Lili, Nabghoha Swaiah, Abdalaziz Biai, Ghalia jamani, Mbarka Alina, Mohamad Hali, Fatimato Dahwara, Walid khrait, Hasana dwihi, Sabar Bani, Fadah Aghla Manham, Azayna Shtoki, najat Akhnaibila, Taglabot La3rosi, Taglabot Ali, Atalbi Lahbib, Mohamad Talab, Lahbib Salhi, Bamba Lafkir, Mohamad Zain, Molai Ahmad Shtoki, Azahra Lidrisi, Mansor Najib, Hamia mohamad, Ibrahim Alia, Atawbali Abd Lhai, Atawbali Am Alaid, Fala Ashtoki, Asalha Boutanguiza, Abdalahi Boragaa, Isa Boda, Mosa Lansari, Bahia Bashraia, Asaadoni Ali, Fatimato alhairash, Basiri Atalbi, Abdarahman Zaio, Adahba Sidamo, maina Baali, Haiat Khatari, Nazha Khalid, Lala Molai, Asma Mokhlis, Mahmod Bosbai, ibrahim Alishain, Aziza Biza, Mohamad Biza, Mina Swaiah, Nazha Rgaibi, Tawfik Lbalal, Alhosain Nafaa, Zawat Alkhalil, Alaia Lamsalak, Basiri Hamadi Amar, Alhosain Tanji, Alkawria Saadi, mohamad fadal Salhi, Somaia Lmojahid, Hamadi Laarosi, Asalka Ndour, Kabara Babait, Atalbi Amin, Salam Nomria, Amlakhot Lamjid, Saaid Hadad, Sokaina Lakwara, Atalbi Boia Ashtoki, salam atwaif, Ambarak Azogni, Almojahid Hasana, alhosain Nasiri, Mohamad abas, Anajam Hama, Sidi Mohamad Aiash, Mohamad Marzog, Mohamad Maulud andor, Hamadi Fakhar, Amsaad Borial, Hamadi Lfilali, Mahfoda Lafkir, Aziza Motabaa, Fatimato Atawbali, Khadija Azain, Lamaigaf Iaish, Biaaia Laarosi, Almamia Aiash, Mohamad Azwayta, Araias Hasana, Azahra Saloki, Brahim Alkhalfi, Mostafa Adah, Alghalia Banali, Alargobi Nordin, Alal Labaihi, Mazian Lbodani, Botabaa mohamad, Zolaikha Aswaiah, Abalkhalil Adafli.

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